My Crazy Game of Thrones Theory - Season 7 Teaser "The Long Walk"
I've had this crazy theory for a while, but after seeing this trailer yesterday and having the time to digest it I'm thinking more and more that it could be true. If you haven't seen the trailer yet here is the link: So, here it is. There are three Targaryens in Westeros. Dany of course, who has taken her families seat at Dragonstone until she can knock Cersei's butt off of that Iron Throne. Then there is Jon who has been confirmed as a "Stargaryen" (Stark and Targaryen, son of Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark). Last, but not least that leaves Cersei. Wait, WTF?!? How can Cersei be a Lannister? This is how... In the books (and the show) Tywin Lannister was married to his cousin Joanna. This was the mother of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion. Tywin Lannister and Aerys Targareyn (aka the Mad King) were best friends at one time and dirty old Aerys had a thing for Joanna. When Tywin and Joanna were ...