Ep 4.10 "The Children"
QUICKLOOK: The Night’s Watch gets saved, but Dany must chain her dragons and even the privy is dangerous in a Game of Thrones. It’s already time for the season finale and I’m sure this episode will leave us clamoring for more during the next year, but that’s why we love it! This episode was jam-packed with surprises, deaths and the beginnings of new adventures for a few characters. Jon walks through the destruction from the night before towards the Wildling camp. I’m really not sure why he didn’t at least take Ghost with him, but if he’s bargaining a huge direwolf could send the wrong message. When he gets close to the camp, the wildlings surround him, but he shows he is unarmed. Mance appears and Jon tells him he is there to negotiate with him. He decides to hear Jon out and they go in his tent. Mance laments that he had hoped Jon’s oath to him and the wildling army had been real, but Jon tells him he was always lo...