Ep 4.4: Oathkeeper
Missandei is teaching Grey Worm how to speak the common tongue. They talk about her homeland and what she remembers of it before she was taken away. She came from an island called Naarth, while he comes from the Summer Isles. She asks if he remembers his home, but he says no, once an Unsullied always an Unsullied. Dany enters and asks how the lessons are coming and tells them it is time. Time for what? For Grey Worm and some of the other Unsullied to sneak into the city of Mereen late at night through the sewers dressed as slaves. At the same time, the slaves of Mereen have gathered to discuss whether or not they should turn on their masters in the hopes that Daenerys will take the city. Grey Worm finds where they are gathered. He hears a slave saying he doesn’t want to die, so he enters saying “valar morghulis” (all men must die) and then says that a single day of freedom is worth more than a l...