
Showing posts from April, 2014

Ep 4.4: Oathkeeper

Missandei is teaching Grey Worm how to speak the common tongue.   They talk about her homeland and what she remembers of it before she was taken away.   She came from an island called Naarth, while he comes from the Summer Isles.    She asks if he remembers his home, but he says no, once an Unsullied always an Unsullied.   Dany enters and asks how the lessons are coming and tells them it is time.   Time for what?   For Grey Worm and some of the other Unsullied to sneak into the city of Mereen late at night through the sewers dressed as slaves.   At the same time, the slaves of Mereen have gathered to discuss whether or not they should turn on their masters in the hopes that Daenerys will take the city.   Grey Worm finds where they are gathered.   He hears a slave saying he doesn’t want to die, so he enters saying “valar morghulis” (all men must die) and then says that a single day of freedom is worth more than a l...

Ep. 4.3 "Breaker of Chains"

We start where we left off looking at Joffrey’s dead face and listening Cersei accuse Tyrion of murder.   Sansa leaves with Ser Dontos and Cersei notices her absence.   Lord Tywin orders all of the gates and exits be shut and locked, but Ser Dontos gets her out just in time and takes her in a small boat.   She asks where they are going and he tells her somewhere safe.   He rows until they are under a dense fog and they reach a hidden ship.   He tells her to climb up the stairs on the side of the boat.   Once she’s at the top someone grabs her.   It’s Petyr Baelish.   He has Ser Dontos killed.   Sansa objects, but Petyr knows the gold cloaks will be looking for her because they think she murdered the king.   Since Joffrey killed her father and tortured her she would be the most likely suspect.   Petyr tells Sansa she’s safe with him and they are sailing home. Margaery thinks she must be cursed since her first husban...

Ep. 4.2 The Lion and the Rose

Ramsay is hunting a girl in the woods and has set his dogs on her.   Theon, now Reek, is running and trying to keep up.   Ramsay gets her with an arrow and let the dogs finish her off before she is dead.   His father, Roose Bolton, arrives with his fat Frey wife and wants to see Theon.   Once he sees what Ramsay has done with him he is not too happy.   He wanted to use Theon as a hostage to barter for Moat Cailin.   Ramsay tells his father that he already treated with Balon Greyjoy and that he didn’t care about getting his son back.   Roose is angry that Ramsay has taken such actions without his leave.   To prove his power over Theon, Ramsay has him shave him with a straight razor.   Ramsay continues to talk to his father about where Bran and Rickon may be and about how Roose stabbed Robb and killed him.   Ramsay tells Theon he is sorry, because he knows Robb was like a brother to him.   We see a hint of emotion cross...

Ep 4.1 "Two Swords"

Lord Tywin takes Ice (Ned Stark’s sword, made of rare Valyrian steel) and has it re-forged into two new blades.   He gives one of the swords to Jaime.   Tywin wants Jaime to leave the Kingsguard and go to Casterly Rock to rule.   Jaime refuses which doesn’t make Lord Tywin too happy.   Jaime says he doesn’t want a wife and children.   He wants to stay in Kings Landing.   Lord Tywin thinks he is doing this for his honor, but Jaime tells him there is ho hope for his honor.    Lord Tywin tells Jaime to leave and go join his brothers. Tyrion, Bronn and Pod are waiting for the Martell’s of Dorne to arrive, but are asked to do it outside the city’s gates.   Tyrion asks where Prince Doran is (the rightful ruler of Dorne).   The Dornishmen tell him that Prince Doran is too sick to make the journey so his brother Prince Oberyn Martell (the Red Viper) has come in his stead, but he already arrived in Kings Landing earlier that mo...