Ep 610 “The Winds of Winter”
As the withdrawal starts to take effect and I realize it will be an agonizing nine months until a new episode of Game of Thrones airs, I think of how far this show has come and how the stakes are now higher than ever before. Through violence and murder (reminiscent of the Mad King) Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne, Dany is on her way to Westeros and Jon is finally recognized as a Stark and named King in the North. There’s only one potential problem with the latter since it was finally confirmed (and I’ll get into this more later) that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen and is in fact not Ned Stark’s bastard son! Oh yeah, a few other things happened as well… Such as, Sam and Gilly finally reaching Oldtown, showing us the Citadel. Maesters are pretty much the nerds of Westeros and that was proven to us as Sam and Gilly enter the tall white building where Sam hands the letter Jon gave him to a guy in a white robe with some funky reading glass...