Ep 610 “The Winds of Winter”

As the withdrawal starts to take effect and I realize it will be an agonizing nine months until a new episode of Game of Thrones airs, I think of how far this show has come and how the stakes are now higher than ever before. Through violence and murder (reminiscent of the Mad King) Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne, Dany is on her way to Westeros and Jon is finally recognized as a Stark and named King in the North. There’s only one potential problem with the latter since it was finally confirmed (and I’ll get into this more later) that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen and is in fact not Ned Stark’s bastard son! Oh yeah, a few other things happened as well…

Such as, Sam and Gilly finally reaching Oldtown, showing us the Citadel. Maesters are pretty much the nerds of Westeros and that was proven to us as Sam and Gilly enter the tall white building where Sam hands the letter Jon gave him to a guy in a white robe with some funky reading glasses on. He peers up from the book his nose is buried in and gives them a once over. The Citadel’s records still show Jeor Mormont as the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and Sam has to explain his death and the fact that Maester Aemon (who was over 100 years old at the time of his death) was sick and wasn’t able to update the Citadel about the turn of events. So the Night’s Watch needs a new maester and Sam is there to learn. The man says this is most irregular, but he will let the archmaester know Sam is there. Sam is allowed to peruse through the Citadel’s library while he waits, however, Gilly and baby Sam are not allowed because they are woman and child. The library is huge and filled with books and scrolls from floor to ceiling covering several floors with staircases. Basically, it looks like heaven for anyone who enjoys reading.

The Frey’s are celebrating their “triumph” over Riverrun. Lord Frey sits down with Jaime and tells him Lord Edmure is back in his cell. He laughs that the Blackfish was killed by common soldiers. Jaime asks if Lord Walder has ever actually fought in a battle and Lord Walder says he has Riverrun so he is a victor. He doesn’t care if Jaime mocks him. Frey says the only real time Jaime fought in a battle, Robb Stark caught him and kept him prisoner. Jaime says the people fear the Lannister army not the Frey’s. They gave the Frey’s the Riverlands to hold for them and if they have to come back and help them every time they lose it then what the hell do they need the Frey’s for? That shut Lord Walder up. Jaime and the Lannister army leave and some time later a girl is serving Lord Walder his food one day. He asks if she is one of his (meaning a daughter or granddaughter) and when she replies no, he starts hitting on her. He wonders where his sons are because they were supposed to be there. She tells him his sons already arrived. When he asks where they are, she says they are right there and points to the food he’s eating. She tells him they weren’t easy to carve. She removes her face and it’s Arya. (Apparently she took some faces with her.) She tells him she is Arya Stark and cuts his throat.

The day of Cersei and Loras’s trial has come and all of the nobles in Kings Landing are squeezing into the Sept of Baelor to view the spectacle. We see different characters in turn getting ready: Grand Maester Pycelle, Margaery, Tommen and Cersei. The High Sparrow enters in a simple white robe (still sans shoes) and the seven septons enter as well. It doesn’t look as though everyone has made it before Loras’s trial starts. Grand Maester Pycelle is given a message from a little boy, Cersei is still getting dressed and Tommen is staring out the window not ready to witness what is to come. Loras is taken from his cell and into the sept where his trial is about to begin until he confesses to all of his sins. He even admits to sleeping with Renly. He will accept whatever punishment the gods deem just and will devote his life to the seven. He will abandon the Tyrell name along with his lordship, Highgarden and he will never marry or have children. He then essentially gets a scarlet letter as Lancel carves the seven-pointed star into his forehead. Lord Mace Tyrell starts to object until Margaery calms him down.

As Loras’s trial is over and Cersei’s is ready to begin, Margaery tells the High Sparrow she is pissed that they mutilated her brother. Lancel informs them that the dowager queen’s litter never left the Red Keep. The High Sparrow tells Lancel and his men to go the Red Keep and retrieve her. At the castle, Tommen gets another knock on his door to tell him it’s time for the trial, but when he answers the door it’s the Mountain. He keeps Tommen in his room at the Red Keep. Cersei has chosen an outfit of all black with a high neckline and a row of chains as if she is prepared for war. She pours herself a glass of wine and looks out her window. It doesn’t seem like she’s heading to the sept anytime soon. Grand Maester Pycelle has followed the little boy down to a dank dungeon where he finds Qyeburn, who apologizes before a bunch of creepy little kids come out and stab Pycelle to death. As Lancel and his group head toward the castle to retrieve Cersei, Lancel sees a young boy he recognizes. He strays from his group and follows the little boy down under the sept where he finds caskets of wildfire that are open and leaking. In the puddles of wildfire are candles that are about to burn out. The little kid stabs him in the side and flees. Margaery knows something is up and is starting to get very worried. She tries to warn the High Sparrow that Cersei is up to something and that they are in danger. The High Sparrow says they will just go ahead and have Cersei’s trial without her, but Margaery pleads with him saying that Cersei knows there will be consequences if she doesn’t show up for her trial, which means she doesn’t care what those consequences will be nor does she plan on facing up to them. And if Tommen isn’t there as well then that is Cersei’s doing. So they are in real trouble. The High Sparrow has gotten so full of himself that he ignores Margaery’s plea. She grabs her brother and father and tries to leave the sept, but the Faith Militant bar the doors trapping everyone (including themselves) inside. Lancel is wounded, but crawls toward the wildfire in a last ditch effort to extinguish the flames before they reach the green liquid substance. As Lancel reaches the candle it burns down and BOOM! The entire sept including the Tyrells, (except the Lady Olenna) Ser Kevan Lannister and most of the Faith Militant are blown sky high. Cersei watches through her window and smiles while Tommen looks as if his life is over.

Cersei has even more tricks up her sleeve though. She had her good friend Septa Unella captured and in one of the dungeons. The septa is passed out on a table when Cersei pours wine on her face and says “Confess” over and over again. (I have to admit I was pretty happy about this part because that woman kind of deserved it.) Cersei tells her the sept has been destroyed along with her beloved High Sparrow and the Faith Militant and that she enjoyed doing it. Cersei reminds the septa that she promised to be the last face she saw before the septa dies. The septa asks Cersei to go ahead and kill her, but Cersei says she won’t die today or for quite a while. She calls in Ser Gregor Clegane (aka the Mountain) and tells Septa Unella that he is her god now. Cersei walks out of the room and closes the door repeating “Shame!” over and over again as she leaves. Sitting the Iron Throne (along with the rest of it) proves too much for Tommen and he jumps out of his window. Qyeburn retrieves his body. Cersei asks to see Tommen and though Qyeburn advises against it, he lets her look. She tells Qyeburn to burn Tommen and spread his ashes where the Sept of Baelor used to be so he can rest with his grandfather, brother and sister. (Holy crap did Cersei plan on Tommen jumping or was that just an extra perk for her?)

Lady Olenna is in Dorne meeting with Ellaria Sand and Oberyn’s daughters. They invited her there so they can help her exact revenge for her family against Cersei. She doesn’t trust them and when each of the daughters tries to speak she shushes them and tells them to “let the grown women speak.” Ellaria tells her they are allies now that Cersei killed the rest of the Tyrell family and that she is offering Olenna her hearts desire. Varys comes outside offering Lady Olenna “Fire and Blood.” (That means an alliance with Dany!)

Dany is making preparations to leave Mereen and head to Westeros. Daario comes to tell her the ships are almost ready, but Dany tells him he will be staying behind to keep the peace while the citizens of Mereen and Dragon’s Bay (renamed from Slavers Bay) choose their new leaders. She may have to marry in order to make new alliances and she cannot bring a lover to Westeros with her. He says he doesn’t care if he is only her “mistress.” He loves her and will follow her wherever she commands him. She commands that he stay there. Daario thinks it is Tyrion’s doing. Daario says he is full of pity because he will never find someone like her again and he hopes the Iron Throne brings her happiness. He pities the lords of Westeros because they have no idea what’s coming for them. Tyrion is waiting for her in the other room. He knows how hard it is for her to leave Daario. She was self-sacrificing and that is the sign of a good ruler. He tries to lift her spirits by reminding her that this is actually happening. They are heading for Westeros. He asks if she is afraid and she nods yes. He tells her that’s good because, “you’re in the great game and the great game is terrifying.” She tells him what terrified her was that she just turned away a man who loved her and she felt nothing, she was just glad to have it over with. Tyrion tells her he believes in her and he’s never believed in anything. He would swear his sword to her then and there if he actually owned a sword. She says she had something made for him, but she doesn’t know if it’s right. She pins a hand on him and names him “Hand of the Queen.” He kneels before her. (Aww, tears…)

Jon is talking with Lady Melisandre when Ser Davos breaks in and throws the wooden stag at Melisandre. He demands she tell Jon whom the stag belonged to. She tells him it belonged to Princess Shireen and admits that she burned the princess as an offering to the Lord of Light. Davos asks her why and she says it was the only way. He says her lord is evil. Melisandre says Shireen’s mother and father gave her up to sacrifice as well, it wasn’t just her because it was the only way to win. Davos asks what the point was since they all died anyway. She says she was wrong in her interpretations, but she never lied. Davos wants to execute Melisandre for murder. She says the Lord of Light isn’t done with her yet and Jon needs her to win against the Night’s King. Jon tells her to leave and go south and never show her face again or he will have her hanged as a murderer. Davos promises to execute her himself is she ever comes back.

Jon runs into Sansa along the walls of Winterfell. He tells her he is having her father and mother’s chambers prepared for her. She says Jon belongs in the lord’s chamber. He says he isn’t a Stark, but she says he is a Stark to her. He admits that she was the reason they won the battle and asks why she didn’t tell him about Littlefinger and the Knight’s of the Vale. They need to trust each other because they are the only family they have left and they still have so many enemies. She tells him a white raven came from the Citadel declaring that, “winter is here.” He jokes that their father always promised it, didn’t he? Sansa is sitting and thinking in the godswood when Littlefinger interrupts her. She asks what he really wants and he says she already knows. He wants to sit on the Iron Throne with her by his side. He tries to kiss her, but she pushes him away. He says he put himself in danger by declaring for House Stark. She says he’s declared for other houses before and changed his mind, but he says he won’t change this time. She is the future of House Stark, not her bastard brother. She walks away and leaves him there.

Benjen Stark has successfully gotten Meera and Bran to the Wall. He must now leave them because there are old spells in the Wall and the dead can’t pass through. Meera asks where he will go and he says he still has battles to fight so he will do what he can. He wishes them good fortune and departs. Bran and Meera are at the weirwood tree where Sam and Jon took their Night’s Watch vows back in season one. Bran starts to touch the weirwood tree and Meera asks if he is ready. Bran replies he is the three-eyed raven so he has to be. After he touches the tree, we go back to the Tower of Joy after Ned has killed Ser Arthur Dayne and the other knight’s of kingsguard. He runs up the steps of the tower and turns around like he did when Bran called his name. Then he continues up the stairs and Bran follows him. Ned enters a room and sees Lyanna on a bed covered in blood. She see’s her brother and asks if he is a dream. He says he is really there. She says she’s missed him so much and that she wants to be brave, but she is scared. She doesn’t want to die. He tells her she won’t die and asks the few women in the room to go get a maester to help her. She tells him it is too late and draws him close to her where she begins whispering in his ear. The things we get to here are that Ned must protect “him”, if Robert ever finds out he will kill “him”. She tells Ned to promise her again and again and Ned is handed a baby boy. It’s baby Jon who is a Stark and Targaryen and not Ned Stark’s bastard son! (Finally confirmed!)

As we see the baby’s face and Ned promises his sister he’ll protect him, it turns into a grown up Jon who is in the great hall at Winterfell with the lords of the north. The Knights of the Vale don’t want to fight with the free folk. They think the battle is over and want to go home so they can protect themselves against the winter. Jon says the war is far from over. The true enemy is coming and won’t wait out the winter, but will bring the storm with him. They must work together. Lady Lyanna Mormont calls out the Glovers, Manderleys and Cerwyns for not answering the Starks call. She says House Mormont remembers and the north remembers. There is no king, but the King in the North and it doesn’t matter if he is a bastard, he is Ned Stark’s son and King in the North from now until his last day. (One small problem with that since we just found out he is a Stark, but not Ned’s son and he’s also a Targaryen. He is basically ice and fire.) Lord Wyman Manderley (who in the book is so fat he can’t stand by himself) stands up to say he was wrong and will now follow Jon. Jon is the White Wolf (where is Ghost anyway?) and the King in the North! They all declare for Jon and Littlefinger gives Sansa a look.

Jaime has made it back to Kings Landing to be by Cersei’s side, but when he gets close he sees the smoke and that the Sept of Baelor is gone. When he enters the castle he sees Cersei entering the throne room and taking the Iron Throne while Qyeburn crowns her Queen Cersei, first of her name, queen of the Andals and the First Men and the Seven Kingdoms. She looks at Jaime and he is stunned.

The finale closes out with Dany’s ships heading toward Westeros and her dragons flying overhead. The ships are beautiful with golden dragon masts carved in the front.

And scene…

Hands down, probably the best finale of Game of Thrones so far. I can’t believe Cersei crowned herself queen. I’m not entirely sure she didn’t think Tommen might commit suicide. I hope Jaime is done with her now. She will be a complete tyrant. I imagine season seven will include Dany trying to conquer the south of Westeros hopefully wiping the smirk off of Cersei’s face. Then season eight will have her somehow make an alliance with her nephew, Jon and together they will fight the white walkers. We have to find out who the other two dragonriders are. It’s killing me! I have so many thoughts running through my head right now and I know so many theories and rumors will be flying around over the next year. My goal is to keep this blog going as those stories come about so keep checking in! And of course I will update with any of my own thoughts once this surreal episode settles down in my head. Until next time!


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