GoT Ep 604 “Book of the Stranger”
Lord Baelish returns to the Eyrie while his stepson, Robin
Arryn, is practicing archery. Robin has plainly acquired zero fighting skills.
Baelish presents him the gift of a falcon. Lord Royce has been watching over
Robin in Petyr’s absence and heard that Sansa Stark has been married to Ramsay
Bolton, who is now Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. He believes
Petyr gave Sansa to the Boltons (and correctly so). Petyr vehemently denies it,
explaining that he and Sansa were attacked during their travels and poor Sansa
was kidnapped. What was Petyr to do in such a situation? Petyr slyly turns the
accusation upon Lord Royce since he was the only person who knew of Petyr and
Sansa’s traveling plans. Who else could be responsible? He has Robin ready to
throw Lord Royce out the moon door until Lord Royce realizes he’s up shit creek
with no paddle. So he grovels and apologizes asking for another chance and with
Petyr’s prompting, Robin finally agrees. Petyr informs them Sansa has run away
from the Bolton’s and is currently at Castle Black. He thinks their next step
should be to gather the Arryn army and go get her.
Margaery is taken to see the High Sparrow. He tells her how
he came to be a pious man. He used to be a cobbler and made lots of money at it.
So much money, that he spent it lavishly, throwing parties for all of his
friends with expensive alcohol, food and women. After one particular night of
debauchery he woke up the day, realized his sins and left to find religion. He allows
Margaery to visit her brother Loras. He is not doing well. He is on the verge
of breaking and just wants to get out of there. Margaery sees through the High
Sparrow’s plot and tells Loras they must stay strong and not let him win.
Cersei catches Grand Maester Pycelle giving Tommen advice.
She tries to throw him out, but Pycelle stands his ground until Tommen wisely
dismisses him. Cersei starts pumping Tommen for information from the latest
small council meetings. He tells her he has had multiple conversations with the
High Sparrow, who plans to make Margaery complete a “walk of shame” similar to
Cersei’s. She immediately takes this information to the small council and upon
hearing the news Lady Tyrell (aka the Queen of Thorns) says that cannot be
allowed. Margaery is the queen and must be respected. Much to her surprise,
Cersei completely agrees with her. She tells the council that the High Sparrow
wants them fighting with each other so that he has the power, but they need to
work together. She even gets Ser Kevan (her uncle and the current Hand) back on
her side by convincing him they can save his son Lancel from this cult-like
religious movement and deprogram him. They will gather the Tyrell army to save
Margaery and take the High Sparrow dead or alive. If they don’t succeed it
could mean a civil war in Kings Landing.
Ramsay has Osha bathed and cleaned up before talking to her.
He wonders if his banners frighten her, but she says she’s seen worse. He asks
why the Starks would’ve entrusted Rickon under her care. She says she only kept
Rickon so she could sell him for the right price. He thinks he has no use for
her until she tries to seduce him. It looks like he’s falling for the bait and
then he says Theon told him everything about Osha and her relationship with the
Starks. She tries to go for a knife lying on the table, but he stabs her before
she can get to it
Jon packs to leave the Wall and go south. Dolorous Edd
doesn’t understand how Jon can leave when he’s seen what’s coming. A horn sounds
and the gate opens to reveal Pod, Brienne and Sansa. (Finally, two Starks found
each other. Hopefully they don’t get killed. You know how it is when there is
more than one Stark in the same place!) Jon comes out to see his sister and
they run to hug each other, which is kind of awkward since they weren’t really
that close. They sit by the fire and catch up on what they’ve each been
through. She apologizes for being such an “ass” to him when they were younger.
He says he wasn’t much better, always sulking in the corner and being jealous
of the Stark children. She asks where he will go, but he says wherever he goes
she will come with him. She says there is only one place they can go, home.
They are Starks and they should take back Winterfell or they will never be
safe. They have an army of wildlings that owe Jon in a big way. (Well, they
just came and defeated Ser Alliser, so they may have paid that debt.) Jon says
he’s tired of fighting, but Sansa says she’ll do it herself if she has too.
Melisandre is now fully on the Jon Snow bandwagon, ready to
follow wherever he goes. She believes he is now “the prince that was promised.”
Ser Davos replies that he thought that was Stannis. He asks her what happened
at Winterfell to Stannis and more importantly, to princess Shereen. Melisandre
doesn’t answer and Brienne comes up to tell Davos she saw what happened to
Stannis and his army. Ser Davos tries to placate Brienne who says she hasn’t
forgotten what was done to Renly and she definitely hasn’t forgiven. She confesses
that she executed Stannis outside of Winterfell. Poor Ser Davos looks crushed.
Tormund is totally into Brienne and is giving her a “come hither”
look while they are all eating. A
Bolton man arrives with a letter for the Lord Commander. Jon says he no longer
holds that title, but the man says he should read the letter. It’s from Ramsay.
He tells them he has Rickon in the dungeons at Winterfell, he wants Sansa back
so he can let his men and dogs rape her and he will make Jon watch as his dogs
eat Rickon alive before Ramsay cuts out eyes. Sansa exclaims that Ramsay
must’ve killed his father since Ramsay signs as “Lord Bolton and Warden of the
North.” She estimates Ramsay having 5,000 men, but Jon only has about 2,000.
She says the lords of the north will fight with Jon if he comes forward. They
must save Rickon and Winterfell. Jon says he will fight.
Tyrion invited the slave masters to Mereen for negotiations.
They want to know where the Mother of Dragons is and are unhappy at being met
by a dwarf and a eunuch. They also want Dany to leave for Westeros and let go
of her hold on Slaver’s Bay. Tyrion tells them they don’t need to sell slaves
in order to make money and that Dany wants a new system in place. Slavery will
never return to Mereen, but the other cities will have seven years to end the
practice and the masters will be compensated if they cut off support for the
Sons of the Harpy. Missandei and Grey Worm aren’t in agreement with the plan
and neither are the freed men in Mereen. They come to the pyramid to make their
opinions known. They ask when Dany will return and Tyrion tells them it will be
soon. The freed men say they don’t know Tyrion and therefore don’t trust him,
but they trust Grey Worm and will go along with the plan if he does. Grey Worm says
if there is a chance for peace, they should take it. Missandei echoes in as
well saying a wise man once said “we make peace with our enemies, not our
friends.” After the freed men leave, Grey Worm tells Tyrion that seven years is
too long for slavery to end and that they can’t trust the masters because
slaves are not humans in their eyes. “You cannot use the wise masters, but they
will use you.”
Jorah and Daario are still hot on Dany’s trail. They’ve made
it to Vaes Dothrak where Jorah knows they are holding Dany with the dosh khaleen. Jorah says they have to
leave their weapons because they are forbidden in the sacred city. Daario sees
the greyscale on Jorah’s arm when he hands a dagger to him. They sneak through
the city and are almost caught by two Dothraki, but they kill them. Dany sits
in the temple listening to the head woman tell her how their lives have meaning
because khal’s listen to their advice. Dany needs goes outside to use the
bathroom escorted by her new widow friend. The girl is curious about Dany’s
dragons when Jorah and Daario surprise them. They almost kill her friend, but
she stops them. They are going to run off with her, but she has a better idea
and will need their help. The next night the khal’s meet to have their
quarterly conference and have Dany brought in so they can decide what to do
with her. They think they should sell her to the masters for 10,000 horses. She
tells them this is the place where Drogo promised to take her to Westeros. They
are small men, not good enough to lead the Dothraki, but she is, so she will
lead thm. They reply by laughing at her and promising to have every Dothraki
male rape her before turning her over to their horses because she is a “crazy
cunt.” She fights back, pushing over the fire pits. They try and escape, but they’ve
been locked in by Jorah and Daario. She won’t burn though because she is the
un-fucking-burnt! Fire does not burn the dragon, bitch!!! She burns down the
temple, emerges naked as her nameday and all the Dothraki kneel.
So I guess she’s added the Dothraki back into her army. That’s
a lot of warriors. Jon and Sansa are going to take back Winterfell! I’m so
excited. It looks like we will get to see another vision through Bran where he
is standing next to the Night’s King. I wish they would go back to the Ned
Stark scene at the tower.
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