HBO Releases 15 Game of Thrones Season 7 Photos

HBO released 15 promo pics last week for Game of Thrones season 7. Fans of the show are analyzing and speculating on each and every one. Hopefully HBO will continue to drop footage and photos for us to obsess over while we wait for season 7 premiering 07.16.17. See the pictures below as well as theories I've seen so far...

Jaime and Cersei

It looks like Jaime is still planted firmly by his sister/lover's side (at least in public). I say that last part because Jaime became the Kingslayer for killing The Mad King Aerys Targaryen because he talked about doing the exact thing Cersei did, blowing up half of Kings Landing. (Technically, I think The Mad King wanted to blow up the entire city, but no need to nitpick). Nerdist just posted a new theory about the possibility of Jaime being the prophesied return of Azor Ahai and revealed a theory that perhaps Jaime and Cersei are only half Lannisters, being the children of Joanna Lannister and Aerys Targaryen. This rivals my own theory that Cersei is indeed The Mad Kings daughter. I don't disagree with their theory, however it seems there can only be three heads of the dragon at a time. We have Dany and Jon. Jaime and Cersei would make four. Here are the links to those theories. Nerdist Theory: ; My Theory:

 Sam and Gilly

It looks like Sam is taking his studies to become a Maester seriously. He must have brought the reading material home since women aren't allowed in the library of the Citadel. Maybe they are looking for info on the white walkers. Whatever the case, Sam still hasn't given up women for the Night's Watch or Maester-dom.


Arya is in an inn or tavern listening to someone intently. We don't know her specific location, but my best guess is that she is still traveling around mid-Westeros plotting her next move.

Sandor Clegane (aka The Hound)

The Hound is traveling with a group of men, possibly The Brotherhood Without Banners. We will see if his switch to the good side sticks.

Dany's Crew

We know from the teaser trailer that Dany lands at Dragonstone, her ancestral seat that has been abandoned since the death and defeat of Stannis Baratheon and his army. Tyrion, Varys and Missandei remain close to her side.

Dany looking regal in her winter war attire.

Tyrion listening and advising.

Missandei as Dany's constant companion.

Varys, well who knows what he is up to...

 Bran and Meera

I have to say, Meera really got the short end of the stick. She's still toting Bran around. He can't help that he is paralyzed, but now Hodor is gone so she is sole taxi driver and constant sidekick. Hopefully her story line will be more than that.

Jon, Sansa, Littlefinger and the rest...

A theory behind this picture is that Jon is in the crypts of Winterfell learning about his true parentage. Whether from a ghost or real person we don't yet know.

Is Lady Lyanna Mormont coming to Jon's rescue again?

Tormund is still after Brienne...

Ser Davos remains one of Jon's most trusted advisors.

Littlefinger continues to prod Sansa to move against her brother and join him in his conquest for the Iron Throne. Her stoic look is hopefully a sign that she is trying to ignore him.

If you have any crazy or not crazy theories email me at

 Courtenay | Mother of Dragons


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