Ep 508 "Hardhome"
Winter is no longer coming. It's here with hundreds, if not thousands of white walkers and we get a preview of the war to come. Cersei is still rotting in a cell thanks to the High Sparrow. Every day a septa offers her water and asks her to confess, but Cersei will not give in. She tries everything including bribing the septa. None of it works. Qyeburn visits her and tells her that her uncle, Ser Kevan, is coming back to the capitol to serve as Hand of the King. She asks why her son has not visited her and Qyeburn tells Tommen is distraught over her and Margaery's incarceration and has locked himself in his chambers, rarely eating the food that is left for him. Qyeburn tells her the only way out may be to confess, but Cersei isn't that desperate yet. As he leaves he tells her his work is still continuing. I think that must have to do with his work on the Mountain and keeping him alive. Sansa wants to know why Theon told Ramsay she wanted to escape. He tells her Ramsay t...