EP 507 "The Gift"

Two favorite moments from "The Gift": the look on Cersei's face as the High Sparrow has her arrested, and Tyrion Lannister and Danaerys Targaryen finally meeting and locking eyes. I would like to thank the Old Gods, the Seven, R'holler, the Many Faced God (and any other deities I may have forgotten in GOT cannon) for making this happen! Worst moment was Maester Aemon passing away and leaving one less noble man in Westeros. Plus I love most of the Targaryens so I was sad. We'll get to see how said events came to pass in a bit.

In dusty Dorne Jaime sits in a lavish cell and is visited by Myrcella. He says he is there to take her home because she is no longer safe in Dorne, thanks to her  her mother and grandfather getting Oberyn killed last season. In the usual teen-agery tone, she tells him that she loves Tristane Martell and will not go back to Kings Landing, before storming out. Bronn is in one of the lower cells across from the Sand Snakes. He is singing a song about a Dornishmans wifewhen one of Oberyn's daughters asks if he thinks she is beautiful. He tells her she's pretty and they play a game of cat and mouse where she basically disrobes while he realizes she's poisoned him with the tip of her spear during their fight. The poison is called the Long Night because it takes so long to kill you that you beg for death in the end. However, she has the antidote hanging around her neck, which at that moment, makes her the most beautiful woman in the world. She throws him the antidote and he wolf's it down.

Up in the bitter cold Stannis' men face the first of the coming winter. They are camped out somewhere in the middle of the elements and are running out of food, their horses are dying and a group of their sellswords ran off in the night. Davos tries to encourage Stannis to return to Castle Black, but Stannis says if they retreat, they will be stuck at the Wall for the entirety of the winter. Then Melisandre visits Stannis and urges him to consider sacrificing Shireen. We've all dreaded this. So far he refuses to do so.

Sansa is aprisoner in her own home. Ramsay locks her up during the day and visits his psychopathic tendencies on her at night. Theon brings her food and she pleads with him to help her. She asks him to put the lighted candle in the broken tower so she can be rescued. Unfortunately Reek is still too present in Theon's mind and he tells Ramsay on her instead. Ramsay summons Sansa and tells her that Stannis is coming, but that he won't win because he is a southerner and won't be able to outlast the winter. He reminds her that he will be Warden of the North and she takes a jab at him by asking if he'll be out of the line of succession now that Roose is having a legitimate heir. Ramsay jabs back by showing her the old woman who gave her the candle flayed and on display in the middle of Winterfell.

Jon saddles up with Tormund to go north and collect the wildlings. Most of the other Night's Watch are not happy about it. He gives command of the Wall to Ser Alliser in his absence. because he is First Ranger. Sam gives Jon the dagger made of dragon glass in case he runs into any white walkers. After Jon leaves Maester Aemon passes away and Ser Alliser points out that Sam's running out of friends. Some men start messing with Gilly so Sam tries to stand up for her, but he gets the crap beat out of him. Finally, Ghost appears and scares the two guys off before it goes too far. Gilly patches Sam up and decides to de-virginize him.

Tyrion and Jorah are at a slave auction. A slaver buys Jorah for the fighting pits and Tyrion talks him into purchasing himself as well. He says he's a great warrior and actually manages to beat up the guy holding his chain. Daario and Dany are in bed and he tells her he doesn't like that she is marrying Hizdar and doesn't trust him. He tells her she's queen and can do as she likes, but she tells him she must do what's best for her people. He suggests that when she reopens the fighting pits to bring all the masters there and slaughter them. She and Hizdar view a preview of men fighting to qualify for the big show. Jorah is waiting to fight, but when he hears of Dany's arrival he runs out on the field with a helm and impresses her with his fighting skills. When he removes his helm she is no longer enthralled and asks to get him out of her sight, but he tells her he has brought her a present. She doesn't believe him until Tyrion wrestles free of his chains (with the help of a dirty, hairy fat man) and introduces himself as Tyrion Lannister and tells her he's been waiting to meet her. Their eyes meet and millions of fans squeal in delight.

The Queen of Thorns visits the High Sparrow and tries to bribe him, but he does not accept.  So she threatens to quit sending food to Kings Landing and he calls her bluff. If the Tyrell's quit sending food he will let the people know it is her fault. She is the few and they are the many. When she leaves she receives a message from Littlefinger. They meet at his ransacked brothel where she tells him if her family goes down he'll go down with them. He tells her he has a gift for her, a young man. Tommen is so upset over Margaery's imprisonment that he vows to Cersei that he may start a war in order to free her. Cersei assures him she will speak with the High Sparrow. She visits the Sept of Baelor and checks in on Margaery who is in a small and dirty cell. Cersei still pretends as though she had nothing to do with Margaery's arrest, but Margaery calls her a bitter old woman whose own son can't wait to be free of her. After Cersei sees Margaery, she meets with the High Sparrow. He tells Cersei that he has testimony from a young man about her past transgressions as well. Lancel appears and Cersei is arrested and thrown in a cell. She tells the septa to look at her face because it's the last thing she will ever see.

There are only thee episodes left this season and I hope we get to see more of this new relationship between Dany and Tyrion. I also can't wait to see what happens to Cersei because even though I love to hate her, it's about time she got her comeuppance!


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