Ep 508 "Hardhome"

Winter is no longer coming. It's here with hundreds, if not thousands of white walkers and we get a preview of the war to come.

Cersei is still rotting in a cell thanks to the High Sparrow. Every day a septa offers her water and asks her to confess, but Cersei will not give in. She tries everything including bribing the septa. None of it works. Qyeburn visits her and tells her that her uncle, Ser Kevan, is coming back to the capitol to serve as Hand of the King. She asks why her son has not visited her and Qyeburn tells Tommen is distraught over her and Margaery's incarceration and has locked himself in his chambers, rarely eating the food that is left for him. Qyeburn tells her the only way out may be to confess, but Cersei isn't that desperate yet. As he leaves he tells her his work is still continuing. I think that must have to do with his work on the Mountain and keeping him alive.

Sansa wants to know why Theon told Ramsay she wanted to escape. He tells her Ramsay tortured him until Theon no longer existed. She tells him she's glad Ramsay broke him and wishes she could've done it herself. He accidentally confesses he did not kill Bran and Rickon and that they may be alive somewhere. Roose and Ramsay discuss battle strategies. Roose thinks they should wait out Stannis' army and let them freeze to death and starve in the snow. Ramsay however, believes they should strike first to show any other Southron lords what will happen if they cross the North. He wants to take "20 good men" with him.

Arya continues her training by becoming "Lana", a girl who sells fresh oysters. She is led to discover a man (known as the Thin Man and the Gambler.) J'aquen tells her the man takes money from the fishing boat captains and is supposed to give it to the captain's family if they don't make it. More often than not the man keeps it for himself leaving the family destitute. He gives her a vial of liquid to kill the man.

Dany brings Jorah and Tyrion back to the pyramid. She asks why Tyrion wants to be in her service, but he tells her it's too soon to know if she deserves his service. He tells her she cannot build a better world without help. He says he wants to advise a ruler worth the name. She asks him what she should do with Jorah because she swore to kill him if he ever returned. Tyrion doesn't think she should kill Jorah and he believes Jorah would do anything for her, maybe he even loves her. However, he did betray her, so she cannot conquer the Seven Kingdoms with him at her side. So, she bans him from the city again. Dany shares some wine and conversation with Tyrion in private. She asks why he killed his father and he promises to tell her one day. He tells her how Varys was probably the person who helped her and her brother Viserys all these years and that he is the only man whom Tyrion trusts. He led Tyrion to Danaerys. He asks if she will kill or banish him and Dany says neither. She wants him to be her advisor. (Yay!!!) She says she's not going to stop the wheel (aka cycle of bad rulers), she's going to break it. Banned from the city, Jorah returns to the slaver that bought him and asks to fight in the pits during the big battle to celebrate Dany's wedding.

Gilly tends to Sam's wounds when Ollie interrupts. He tells Sam he doesn't understand why Jon is working with the wildlings and that he also doesn't trust them. Sam tells him not to worry about Jon, because he always comes back and that they must have the wildlings help in order to have any chance of fighting the white walkers. Jon and Tormund arrive in Hardhome and the wildlings are none too happy to see a Crow in their midst. Tormund says he must talk to the elders. The Lord of Bones gives him lip and refuses to do anything with Jon there, so Tormund kills him. The elders meet and most of them do not trust the Night's Watch. Jon tells them they must forget their differences for now and band together in order to defeat the white walkers. He gives them the obsidian daggers that Sam found. He tells them "the long night is coming and the dead come with it." They're not sure if they should believe that obsidian can kill the others and a few of them refuse to leave and work with the brothers of the Night's Watch. About half of the wildlings (around 5000) agree to leave with Jon and Tormund. Jon says it's not enough, but Tormund tells him the others will follow because they are out of food and there is nothing to hunt. As they are boarding the boats an ominous snowstorm comes upon them with loud noise. The white walkers are already there for the attack. The wildlings close the gate leaving hundreds of defenseless people outside. Suddenly, all is quiet and when the Thenn goes to look through the gate to see what happened he sees a pair of those cold, scary blue eyes. White walkers can't be stopped by wooden gates though. They climb over and attack everything in their path. The last remaining giant is able to fight them off and head for the boat. Jon works to save as many people as he can and also tries to save the bag of dragonglass that the wildlings carelessly dropped in the hut. He goes inside the burning hut only to find a white walker. He fights with the wight and works to get a piece of dragonglass in order to kill it. He can't reach it, so he makes due with Longclaw. As he lifts Longclaw to block an attack from the wight, he expects his sword to break, but it doesn't. It holds true and he drives it through the white walker breaking him to bits. Gotta love that Valyrian steel. Too bad there are only a few Valyrian swords left in Westeros and he has only one of them. He flees, begrudgingly leaving the dead wildings and as they are paddling to the ship, the King of the white walkers awakens all of the freshly killed wildlings to join to his army. Including some white walker kids.

End credits...

Shit just got real! White walkers are here! Will Jon and the others make it back to the Wall and will the Wall stop the wights? Will Cersei swallow that lion pride and confess to her wrong doing in order to get out of her cell? All I have to say about Tyrion and Dany is yay! They are my favorite pairing and I'm so excited!!!

Until next week.


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