Ep 505 "Kill the Boy"

Word of Dany's rule in Mereen has come to the wall. Sam reads a letter to Maester Aemon in the library at Castle Black. It declares that she will stay in Mereen until she is sure the act slavery is abolished. I'm guessing the letter is from Varys from the way it sounds. Maester A is worried about Dany because it's rough being the last Targaryen in the world and he wishes he could be there to advise her, but Sam thinks she's awesome. Jon interrupts because he wants some advice from Maester A so Sam leaves them to it. Jon tells Maester A he is worried because there is a big decision he has made, but he knows it will be unpopular with most of the men. Without even hearing what it is Master A tells Jon he should follow his instincts and he should "kill the boy" (inside himself) because winter is almost upon them.

After his visit with Maester A, Jon goes to see Tormund. He wants to know where the rest of the wildlings are hunkered down and he wonders if Tormund could be their new leader. Jon wants Tormund to gather them all and promises them land from the Gift as long as they help with the fight against the white walkers. Tormund is unwilling to help until Jon tells him they are not enemies. He concedes that the Nights Watch has always pledged the oath to "guard the realms of men", but has never protected the wildlings as they should have. Tormund says he will gather the wildlings from Hardhome, (a wildling town) but will need ships and the promise that Jon will accompany him. Jon will borrow some boats from Stannis's fleet for the journey.

Stannis talks with Sam in the library and asks him how he killed a white walker. Sam tells him he used a dagger made from obsidian. Stannis notes they have a lot at Dragonstone. (Hmm, maybe someone should go collect that.) He tells Sam to keep reading so they know how to beat them when they come. Stannis also talks to Davos and says he will ride for Winterfell at sunrise and will be bringing his wife and daughter along.

Pod and Brienne are outside Winterfell and Brienne is extremely worried about Sansa. She asks a worker at the inn to get a message to Sansa. A woman servant comes into Sansa's chambers and tells her "the North remembers" and that if she is ever in trouble she should put a single candle in the window of the broken tower. Miranda is unhappy that Ramsay is marrying Sansa because she always thought Ramsay would marry her. Now that he is legitimized he can't marry the kennel-masters daughter. He reminds her that she should be careful of boring him because she's seen what he does to people when he gets bored with them.

Miranda bumps into Sansa later and compliments her wardrobe and sewing skills. Then she tells Sansa she has something to show her and sends her to the back of the kennels. Sansa walks down the hallway apprehensively and is surprised to find Theon in a cage. Ramsay decides to clear the air at dinner and explain that he has broken Theon because of what he did to her brothers. He makes Theon apologize and decides that Theon should walk Sansa down the aisle since he is practically the only family she has left. Fat Walda announces she is pregnant and that the maester thinks it's a boy. Ramsay is unnerved and Sansa takes notice. When they are alone, Roose chastises Ramsay for the way he paraded Theon around at dinner. Ramsay asks Roose if he plans to make his new son his heir. Roose decides to alleviate his fears by telling him the story of his conception. Apparently he hanged the mothers husband for some reason and then raped the her under the very same tree where he was hanged. He tells Ramsay that Stannis is coming soon so they better be ready.

Dany is extremely upset at Ser Barristan's death. Daario suggests they fall back to the pyramid and strategize to clean out the city. Dany decides to take his earlier advice and collect the heads of all the major families. She chains them and takes them down to the dragon lair. She allows the 2 dragons to burn and eat one of the men and Hizdar is almost next in line, but she decides that she shouldn't "overfeed" her dragons. Even Daario seems a bit shaken by this act.

Grey Worm survived the attack form the Sons of the Harpy though he's still bedridden. Missandei is at his bedside when he wakes up. He asks about Ser Barristan and she tells him he didn't make it. Grey Worm thinks he's failed his men and Dany. He says he feared he would never see Missandei again. She kisses him and lays down beside him.

Danny asks Missandei what she should do since she's running out of advisors quickly. Missandei says she doesn't feel qualified enough to have an opinion, but that Dany has always listened to her advisors and she has either followed their advice or gone against it when she's seen a better alternative. Dany visits Hizdar in his cell. (I guess she didn't free them after the dragon incident.) She tells him she has changed her mind about tradition and now agrees with him that the fighting pits should be reopened as long as the men are free to choose whether or not they fight. She also tells Hizdar they will be married.

Tyrion and Jorah are still on the boat to Mereen. They sail by Valyria, which was a great city where the Targaryens came from. The Doom came a few hundred years ago and fire destroyed it all. Suddenly they see a dragon (yay, Drogon!) fly across the sky and Tyrion's mouth drops open. At the same time something falls into their boat. Stone Men, taken over by grayscale are attacking them. Tyrion is hindered by his bound hands and eventually falls into the water to get away when he is almost dragged underneath by one of the men. Everything goes black until he wakes up on the shore with Jorah leaning over him. Jorah asks if he was touched by any of the Stone Men. Tyrion lies and says he wasn't. He asks Jorah the same question and Jorah shakes his head no, but turns around and pulls up his sleeve to show the grayscale already forming on his arm.

End credits...

So, I'm upset that Barristan is dead, but it does set Dany up for a very tough road ahead. I'm so happy Tyrion got to see a dragon and wish we could've seen more Valyria. No Kings Landing this week which was a bit surprising, but I'm okay with it. Looks like it will be a major plot line next episode. We're already halfway through the season and it looks like there are at least 2 weddings to go! Drama's revving up!


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