Episode 601 "The Red Woman"

Episode one of season six starts exactly where we left off. Right back in the courtyard of Castle Black where Jon slow lies dead, stabbed to death by his black brothers. Ghost is still locked away and howling like crazy. Everyone must be asleep because the only person who seems to hear the direwolf is Ser Davos. He comes out of his chambers to see why Ghost is howling and sees Jon's body lying in the snow. He goes closer to investigate and sees the cross behind Jon's body with the word "traitor" carved into it. More men come out to see what is going on and Ser Davos has them lift Jon's body and take it to a room where they lay him on a table and bar the door. Davos asks them who is still loyal to Jon and it pretty much ends up being the 5-6 men in the room. They figure out that Ser Alliser is responsible for the killing. One of them retrieves Ghost before he draws more attention and also so he can help them guard Jon's body. They are still discussing what options they have when they hear a knock on the door. They all halt immediately until they hear Lady Melisandre call to Ser Davos. She says she came because she saw Jon Snow in her flames fighting at Winterfell. (Please let this be a foreshadowing that he will be brought back to life and kick the Bolton's down to the seven hells!) To the dismay of all the fans, she leaves and goes back to her chamber. Meanwhile Alliser Thorne has gathered all of the other men of the Night's Watch to tell them the Lord Commander is dead. Some question how Jon died saying they know he was murdered and demand to know who killed him. Thorne ends up confessing to the whole thing. He admits that he never liked Jon Snow, but says he didn't kill him in cold blood. He did it to save the Night's Watch. For thousands of years the Night's Watch has guarded the realm against wildlings, yet Jon invited them through the Wall and even gave them the very land on which they reaved and raped and pillaged. Thorne says that Jon believed he was doing the right thing, but he was destroying the Night's Watch and the men had to do something about it. Jon thrust a terrible choice upon them and they made it. Luckily, before Jon's body is found, Ser Davos comes up with a plan. He thinks they should appeal to the wildlings. They should fight for Jon since he let them through the Wall and gave them land. Dolorous Edd leaves immediately to gather them and bring them back to fight. After he is gone, Ser Alliser and his men find Ser Davos and the men guarding Jon. He gives them one day to surrender promising no harm will come to them. He even says that Davos can leave to find Stannis and take Melisandre with him. Ser Davos tells the men in the room he doesn't trust Thorne and if they open that door they are all dead. At the end of the episode we see Lady Melisandre in her room. She goes to a mirror and disrobes looking at her young body. Then she takes off her choker with the bright red ruby and suddenly she is an old crone wrinkled with lost hair. She stares at herself for a minute and then goes to lay in her bed. Who the heck knows what this means. Some people think that it is simply to show how old she is and how much magic has taken from her. But they still hope (and I'm one of them) that she will spend the rest of her power resurrecting Jon. What I really hope it doesn't mean is that she has given up taking her necklace off and showing her true age before getting into bed for the "long night" as any GoT afficianado would say. Please let it be the former and not the latter. I don't think the double D's (David Bienoff and D.B. Weiss) would string us along if Jon is really no more. Hopefully they would've just cut the cord.

In Winterfell Ramsay mourns Kyra's death swearing to avenge her. His maester asks him whether he should burn or bury Kyra's body and Ramsay says she's good meat and should be fed to the dogs. Aww, so sweet and sentimental. Wish I could find a guy like that... Lord Bolton and Ramsay believe Stannis is dead, but they don't know who dealt the final blow. I don't know if this means they actually saw his dead body or if they are just assuming he's dead since no one was seemingly left alive after the battle. Until I see a body being buried or burned I won't necessarily believe that anyone is dead on this show. Roose tells Ramsay the next battle they fight will be real. They went against the crown when Ramsay married Sansa Stark and the armies of King's Landing will be vastly greater than Stannis's rag tag army. They need Sansa so they can keep the North. Sansa and Theon survived the jump from the walls of Winterfell and are running through the woods while Ramsay's dogs and men hunt them down. Theon encourages Sansa to cross through the river so the dogs will lose their scent, but Sansa says it's too cold and she can't do it. He tells her its the only way so she finally concedes. However, it doesn't work because the hounds are back on their heels after a few moments. They make it to a hollowed out base of a tree and hide, but their are too many men and they are too close. Theon says he will draw them away from her so she can run. He tells her to keep going north to the Wall where Jon can help her now that he's Lord Commander. He runs out to meet the hunters and tells them Sansa is dead, but they don't believe him and soon find her hiding spot. It looks very much as though will soon be back in the clutches of Ramsay, but Brienne and Pod show up and save the day. Theon even picks up a sword and deals a deathly blow to one of the bastard's boys. Brienne pledges her service to Sansa and is finally knighted. (We don't find out for sure if Brienne did kill Stannis as it didn't come up in casual conversation.) It seems as though the only choice the group has is to go north to the Wall.

Fresh from her walk of shame Cersei is overjoyed to hear a ship has arrived from Dorne. She goes to the harbor to greet it waiting for Myrcella to come off the ship, but all she see's is a body lying underneath a blanket and a sullen faced Jaime. She is obviously upset and the ordeal seems to bring her and Jaime closer together. I thought she would blame Jaime for Myrcella's death. Maybe she will after a while. She tells Jaime about the witch she went to see when she was a young girl and how the witch prophesied that she would have three children who would all die before she did. "Gold will be their crowns and gold their shrouds." She tells Jaime he was right that they should've stayed together because everyone is after them. The only child she has left is Tommen. She admits that she is a hateful person and wonders how she could've had a child as sweet and innocent as Myrcella. Margaery and Loras are still locked up at the church and haven't been allowed to see each other. An overeager septa tries to get Margaery to confess to her sins and when she won't she goes to hit her with a book. I'm guessing it was a copy of the Seven Pointed Star, which is like a bible in GoT. Fortunately for Margaery the High Septon/High Sparrow arrives to speak to her and makes the septa leave.

In Dorne, Prince Doran is totally trusting of Ellaria Sand (Oberyn's former paramour) and Oberyn's daughters, the Sand Snakes. He seems to believe they have dropped their quest for revenge. He even goes so far as to call Ellaria a great woman as they walk through the courtyard. Then he receives a message about Myrcella's death and the women pull out the knives killing poor crippled Prince Doran and his faithful guard, Areo Hotah. They stab them both to death and then the other two Sand Snakes finish the job by killing Prince Trystane. I was a little confused because Trystane was painting the stone eyes that are part of the funeral process in Westeros, but who was he painting them for? Myrcella? He was in Dorne though, so how would they even be used? Surely they weren't for his father, because I'm pretty sure he was killed at around the same time his father was. So now we have four crazy revenge-seeking women running Dorne. They want nothing but war. I don't think Oberyn would've wanted his brother and nephew's death, no matter how much he wanted revenge against the Lannisters. Plus, Dorne does not have an army big enough to stand against Kings Landing. Will they reach out to Dany for help?

Across the Narrow Sea the Dothraki horde has taken Dany captive. They are a smaller group of Khal Moro's khalasar and they don't know who Dany is. Her hands are bound and she is made to walk, being whipped once for tripping. Two of the men speak in Dothraki and discuss theories on how her hair turned white. One says she must've been out in the sun too long and the other only thinks about "fucking" her. Meanwhile Dany hears everything they are saying and keeps to herself until she is brought before their leader, Khal Moro. He basically insults her as well thinking she can't understand him. His two caddy wives are obviously jealous of her beauty so he decides he will "fuck" her that night. As he is about to rip her clothes off she speaks in Dothraki telling him he will not touch her. She is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. That doesn't seem to matter to him, so instead she tells him she was once a khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea and widow to Khal Drogo. That name seems to ring a bell. He tells her that no man can touch the widow of a khal and that she will be left alone. She requests an escort to take her back to Mereen, but he tells her she can't go to Mereen. She must follow Dothraki law and that means because she is widow to a khal, she must go to Vaes Dothrak to join the dosh khaleen (a group of withered old crones who were once named khaleesi) and live out the rest of her days. She already said hell no to that in season 1 and for now it seems as if she has no other choice. Hopefully Ser Jorah and Daario Naharis will find and rescue her. Speaking of those two they track her north of Mereen and come upon Drogon's snacking area and the trampled earth from the Dothraki horde. On their way they both talk about loving her and why they stick around. Daario says he wants to see what the world is like after she has conquered it. Jorah finds Dany's ring and knows the horde has taken her so I guess their next steps will be to track the horde and figure out some way of getting her back that will probably include Ser Jorah sacrificing himself for her freedom. He's dying from greyscale anyway, he's doomed to a tragic ending. Varys and Tyrion are left to try and rule a broken Mereen. Much to Varys's dismay they take a tour of the city. Tyrion says they need to learn about Mereen and see who their people and their enemies are. It seems pretty empty except for a few emaciated souls lying hungry in the streets. They see a wall with "kill the masters, mhysa is a master" painted on it. They also see a group listening to a red priest of R'holler telling them to take up arms against the slavers and finish what Dany started. Then they see people running away from the harbor and find that all of Mereen's ships have been put to the torch and are ruined. So much for the Mereenese navy. Looks like they have a big job ahead of them.

Arya, now blind, is living on the streets begging for change and feeling sorry for herself. She sits on some steps with a bowl in her hand while a few sympathetic passers by drop coins in. Then the girl from the House of Black and White appears in front of her with two sticks. She throws one at Arya. They spar and Arya is unsuccessful and probably nursing some pretty big bruises. When she has had enough the girl tells Arya she will see her again tomorrow and disappears.

Well, how long will they string us along with Jon's storyline and the is he isn't he answer we are looking for? As I said earlier, I think they would've cut the cord in the first few minutes if he really were of no consequence any more. Ser Davos won't give up his body and he is now even counting on Melisandre. Everyone seems to be in a bind so it looks like there will be a lot of action this season. I'm definitely excited to see Tyrion come face to face with the dragons! What are your thoughts for season 6? Will the "Red Woman" redeem herself?


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