Preface: Season 6

We're at the home stretch. Season 6 premieres in just a few hours and I have no idea (well, some idea) what to expect. For once I am mostly in the same boat with you non-book readers. In this blog I will not spoil you with things pertaining to the book without first warning you. So the first part of any of my posts will pertain only to the show and then I will have a spoiler title for anything book-related towards the end of the posts. However, I will discuss fan theories that I think are widely known.

Let's go character by character and area.

Jon Snow

Kit Harrington says he's dead and the whole cast says he's dead. Okay, he's dead. I'll admit to that. He got stabbed how many times? However that doesn't mean he's gone. Ever since Dany's dragons were born from flame magic has re-entered the world. There are many ways Jon Snow could be dead, but his soul or body could still be around. For all of the "he's totally dead" crap they keep spitting at us, they aren't lying, they just aren't telling the truth either. I have a feeling they may leave us hanging on this one for as long as they can.

Most popular fan theory: Melisandre will bring Jon Snow back from the dead. Way back in Season 2 we were introduced to this idea. Not with Jon Snow, but with Lord Beric Dondarrion, head of the King's Brotherhood, a band of outlaws who still hail Robert as king and dole out the king's justice. The Red Priest, Thoros of Myr, brought Lord Beric back from death numerous times. This was done in front of Arya after the Hound killed Lord Beric in a trial by combat. Melisandre is at the Wall, so she can just do her thing and bring Jon back to life. Then, as Jon Snow was killed and his "watch has ended", he can say "fuck you!" to all his brethren of the Night's Watch and take up his rightful place as Lord Stark of Winterfell. Or he can stay Lord Commander...

The theory above kind of goes along with the R+L=J theory, which if you haven't heard yet, you must live off the grid. The R+L=J theory is that Jon Snow is actually a Stark and a Targaryen. Instead of the story we've been told of how Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister, who was betrothed to Robert) and raped her, Lyanna fell in love with Rhaegar and after meeting in the woods, she decides to run off with him to the Tower of Joy in Dorne. They spend a magical time there where she becomes pregnant and dies after childbirth. Ned Stark, Howland Reed (Meera and Jojen's father) and their men find them there being guarded by members of the Kingsguard, including Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning (and the greatest knight that ever lived.) Ned asks them to lay down their arms, but they will not. The thing is, they are supposed to be with Prince Rhaegar on the Trident protecting him as he fights Robert, but they are with Lyanna. Why? Ned strikes them down and makes it into the Tower to find his sister. Not including the child and them being in love, this is the story we know as fact: he gets to his sister who is sick and dying and she begs him to make a promise to her. He struggles with this "promise" throughout his adult life, even keeping it from his wife Catelyn. What promise could he be keeping, but that of a Stark/Targaryen child that was his sisters. One that no one can know about, especially not the Lannister's or King Robert since Rhaegar's other children had their heads bashed in when Robert took the throne. Lyanna dies after he makes his promise and he returns to Winterfell later with Jon Snow in his arms as his bastard son and no explanation of who the mother is. If Jon is a Targaryen he can't just die. There must be some reason for his existence. Could he be one of the three dragon riders?

Did Jon warg into Ghost? The men of the Night's Watch locked Ghost away so he couldn't help Jon, but he wasn't far away. Could he have gone into Ghost's body to stay alive? The thing is, if he went into Ghost's body he can only stay Jon Snow for a so long before he forgets he was ever a man and turns completely into a wolf. Also, could he warg into someone else like Bran did with Hodor?

Jon turns into a white walker. I guess we'll see if they burn his body tonight, but from the Season 5 finale it looks like the men just walk off and leave him. Not a good idea... If he turns into a white walker I hope he kills Olly and joins the Night's King.


When we last left Dany she had finally ridden Drogon when he rescued her from the fighting pit and the Son's of the Harpy. He got tired and wanted to sleep, leaving her in the middle of nowhere. She has no idea how she was able to ride him and how she can get him to obey her again. Stubborn dragon, too bad Tyrion couldn't hop on with her since he knows almost everything about dragons. So she starts to explore where she is and comes upon a khalasar, which can't be good. Is this khalasar Khal Phono's? He was a blood rider of Drogo's and after Drogo died he stole the majority of Dany's khalasar and ran off. According to Dothraki ways, after Drogo died and Dany was widowed, she was supposed to go back to Vaes Dothrak (the Dothraki city) and join the dosh kaleen (a group of old crones who used to be khaleesi's.) Dany said "hell no!" and hatched her dragons and conquered slave cities instead. So, will the Dothraki take her to Vaes Dothrak or sell her as a slave? No matter what happens I'm confident she will come out on top as she always does. She's a dragon rider now, so she's extremely important in one way or another (plus she's my favorite character tied with Tyrion, so I'm praying...)

Tyrion and the rest of the group in Mereen

What will they do now that Dany is gone? HBO stated that Ser Jorah (on the brink of death from greyscale) and Daario Naharis set out to find their beloved queen. I still don't know if I trust Lord Varys and it's a bit weird that he happens to show up after Dany disappears. In one of the previews we see that Tyrion goes down to the bottom of the pyramid to see Viscerion and Rhaegal. Will he end up a crisp of a dwarf or can he figure out how to tame them so they are ready upon Dany's return? Can he keep the Son's of the Harpy at bay or will he have to go to war with the slavers? The only warrior Tyrion will have left to help him is Grey Worm and I'm sure he'll be comforting Missandei.


She's blind, she's blind! Calm down people. I don't think she'll be blind forever. She's training to be an assassin. She has to learn how to use her other senses. Plus, she took a life she was not supposed to and this could just be her punishment.

The North

Okay, so I should technically have Jon Snow here, but c'mon we know that his fate is the biggest question with Dany's predicament coming in at a close second.

First things first, are Sansa and Theon okay? We see that they did survive the fall and that Ramsay is mourning Kyra. So Sansa and Theon are caught in the coming winter. Where will they go? Will they be caught by Ramsay or Stannis' men? Will they go to the Wall for help? Do the Bolton's technically win against Stannis? We can see from the previews that there will be another huge battle in the North. Ramsay has lost his Reek. After losing Kyra there is no way he will let that go. What sociopathic trail of flayed bodies will he leave behind?

Secondly, did Brienne kill Stannis? Everyone is assuming that is what happened, but I wouldn't be so quick to believe it. Brienne has never killed in cold blood. Can she start now? I think there is a great possibility that she spares Stannis even though she hates him for killing Renly. He's not in a very good place, why not just let him live in the disappointment of his failure? Or Bolton men come upon them and they have to help each other out. Could her hate of the Bolton's and the fact that she wants to save Sansa stay her hand? Do they find Sansa and Theon?

The rest: We go back to the Iron Islands this season where we will meet at least one of Theon's uncles, Euron Crow's Eye. What will they do now that their prince and king are dead?  What of Lord Davos? He was sent back to the Wall for help so that Stannis and Melisandre could burn poor princess Shireen. And Melisandre ran back to the Wall as soon as she saw that Stannis was losing. Her return to the Wall leads back to the Jon Snow theory at the beginning of my post. Bran continues to learn how to be a greenseer from Bloodraven (played this season by Max von Sydow) and it looks like he comes into contact with the Nights King. Bran might also tie into the flashbacks we've been promised this season. Most notably a flashback of a young Ned Stark!

King's Landing, Dorne and the rest of the South

Poor Jaime must deliver his dead daughter to his lover/sister Cersei after he just confessed to Myrcella that he was in fact her father. Cersei will already be pissed since she had to cut her hair off and walk naked through the streets of King's Landing while people pelted her with produce. She has her new Knight of the Kingsguard (we all know its the frankenstiened Mountain) to protect her and she still has to go through a trial. As all Lannister's seem to do she picked trial by combat. So they will mourn Myrcella, but will Cersei embrace Jaime or push him further away. I'm picking the latter as it looks like Jaime suits up to pick up the pieces of Westeros and restore peace to the lands. Could he run into Brienne if he makes his way north? Will he finally come from between Cersei's legs and become the great man he could be? Margaery and Loras still seem to be imprisoned. I guess they won't confess to their sins. And Prince Doran and Dorne are shit out of luck. Thanks to the Sand Snakes and Ellaria Sand killing princess Myrcella, Dorne will not be at peace. Who will they turn to for help? Perhaps a missing Dragon Queen?

So many questions and only a few may be answered tonight. Check back for my review and analysis of the episode!!! Comments are welcome.


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